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Engineering from Nature and by Nature
Sir Joseph Paxton (1803-1865)
Advanced Materials Technologies for Healthcare, Medicine and other Industries.
NatureWorks Hubs

Birmingham, UK

Hong Kong, SAR

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We are a materials technology generating business using innovative techniques in bioinspired engineering to create commercial products. We explore Biodiversity using new approaches and techniques to discover new 


Founded in Hong Kong in 2014, our team at NatureWorksTM came up with an array of material innovations for healthcare and medicine. NatureworksTM emerged from the unlikely convergence of natural history, medicine, and materials science. Like many others, we wanted to learn more lessons from nature about how to design and engineer materials and structures. The lessons provide the industry with new solutions to engineering problems.
Unlike others, however, we innovate in more depth and breadth by using new tools and techniques in biomimetics and through pervasive natural history field studies. This gives us a novel edge over our competitors. Our original leading product is a structured surface with strong antibacterial effects against antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. Other products in the pipeline include stem cell factories inside droplets, 


We are based in Hong Kong, Taiwan and the UK.

The Zoolook Strategy for Innovative Bioinspired Technology Generation

The aim is to harness the biological, field nature, natural history data and turn it into engineering designs and solutions on the same basis and terms, but in different contexts. Therefore, to engineer with new and old information acquired from the deep and intensive study of nature.


We innovate in translation by using several new tools and techniques developed recently. Moreover, we innovate by integrating these tools and techniques in whichever permutation is necessary to generate an innovative solution that works better than existing ones and also accomplishes this according to the principles of biological nature. 


To make these translations we use computer analysis and reconstructions of organisms (shapes and forms) and their various functions, computation to search and discover hidden data in published literature, computer programs that run algorithms modelling the organisms and projecting their materials, structures, forms, morphologies and behaviours. We may want to integrate these.


On the other hand we have the data included and  within NHM collections, field observations and analyses. Among NHM specimens there are now several sophisticated instruments to photograph, in close detail, the individual organism and all its parts and components. The photographic images can be digitised for computer modelling analysis and reconstruction. High definition digital images are generated by X-ray (CT/ Synchrotron), neutron beam, laser light. etc.

In the field there are a range of instruments (digital probes, sonar devices, light meter etc.) for detecting and analysing the conditions that adaptations operate within and also the nature and behaviour of materials and structures in situ. Inferences can be made about how the adaptations are tailored to the environmental contexts.

The Importance of Biological Field Studies

The empirical scientific investigations provide accurate measurements of biological materials and functional phenomena, while field studies provide extra meaning to the biological design and phenomena with direct personal experience and to understanding the living organism in situ and in its proper context.


Imaging is centred on macroscopic form, but we are working on generating digital images of organisms at the microscopic, mesoscopic and nanoscopic levels for modelling, simulation, analysing and testing to determine function and its practical purpose.

of organisms and
NHM/ Field
of organisms and
Engineering from
Biological Diversity


Nature encompassing its component organisms and gameplay is a running experiment in problem solving to survive and thrive. Organic nature around us has tenacity, perseverance and resilience and generates incredible adaptations to maintain itself in the game of survival.

An intensive study of natural history, habits and behavior, and the re-analysis of existing natural history knowledge and information to build a classification system of organism functions.


The taxonomy of functions is an essential library of adaptations for accelerated translation into technical analogues for industry. Not every industrial problem will find a comprehensive solution in nature, but there is a high probability of discovering thousands of new functional solutions for every aspect and nuance of industrial design, processing and manufacture.

Our search and discovery in nature scans across all kingdoms of organisms and every possible habitat and goes beyond present nature and delves into lifeforms at earths origin (protobiology), palaeontology (organisms of distant geological ages), viruses and investigates chemical synthesis of new inorganic and chemical lifeforms to generate new advanced materials.

Nature Lab Spaces: Field studies and surveys performed in Goa, India, Taiwan, Sri Lanka

NHM Resources: NHM, London






Mission Statement:

Translate good design, synthesis, processing, computation, fabrication, structural engineering gleaned from nature, and itself transformed into useful technologies and products using a range of innovative tools and techniques for industry, particularly focused on the biomedical and healthcare sectors.

Deep Physical, Mechanical,  Structural Analysis
Functional Testing
Digitisation into virtual space
Specimens in collections
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